Created to enhance the "JUST SAY NO" anti-drug campaign, the Drug Slug, an Animated four limbed, upright walking, slimy, transparent, home wrecking, life destroying sickness, that knows no boundaries, clearly illustrates to whom you are saying no to.

The Drug Slug Program is a preventive plan using this Animated Character and music to educate and enable today's youth to reject illegal drugs as well as alcohol and tobacco. The program covers preventive methods concerning juvenile crime as well as domestic violence. From slingshots and bean shooters to knives, guns, and home made bombs; to six-year-old children carrying handguns and other deadly weapons to school, its obvious the sophisticated mind of today's youth cannot be compared to that of children forty years ago.

Created by M.G. Enterprises, the program's aim is "Health through Creative Self-Discovery." A major problem with kids is getting them to listen and allow adults into their space. This program provides a way to get into their space and get them to listen. If they listen, they will learn. Using the creative process of movement, music, role-playing, art, and games, children are more open to learning. People learn from rhythm. Rap music supplies a rhythm that is universally accepted by today's youth. The Drug Slug Program attaches positive messages to these rhythms that calms the listener, removes barriers and aids the learning process.

The six-minute Drug Slug Video "FO YO MIND," a tangible vehicle that carries a compelling anti-Drug message targeting pre teens through adolescence, is also intended to create the market presence needed to attract numerous financial partners for its continued growth, while showcasing each contributors' social commitment through sponsorship. As corporate America, the Entertainment industry, and the Sports sectors (Boxing in Particular) become active participants in this solid concept with its vital message, the Drug Slug Program will emerge as an on target project capable of expansion by way of the Schools system, televised commercials, and numerous ancillary considerations.

The Drug Slug Boxing Glove, a three-part set consisting of a recorded song, boys and girl's boxing gloves, and an upright punching bag containing the image of the Drug Slug is one such consideration. Since children are reading less and listening and watching more, it makes sense to use audio-visual material to reach them where they live.

VISUAL AIDS-Posters and bumper stickers of the Drug Slug with the slogan, "He's not your friend, Can't you see thru him?"

HIGHER GRADES ROLE PLAYING-Children take turns playing the Drug Slug and try to influence their peers to smoke cigarettes and use illegal substances.

ANTI-DRUG RAP CONTESTS-Students write and rap to their peers original anti-drug works. The songs remain the property of the school in the contributing student's name.

LOWER GRADES-Children learn and sing, "Away you go, To the Slug we say NO!!!

While young people are taught skills to prepare them to face educational challenges, they are not often taught the skills needed to make the transition from youth to adulthood. There fore they do not know the best way to handle the pressures and influences that promote drug and alcohol abuse. The Drug Slug Program is that way.

In addition to intermittent financial contributions, and the production and donation of over five hundred bumper stickers, M.G. Enterprises has acquired three pages filled with signatures from Educators, Religious Leaders, Drug Counselors, Deputy Sheriffs, City Managers, and Police Chiefs all supporting the Drug Slug Campaign.

In nineteen ninety eight, we received two letters of commendation from the Executive Office of the President of the United States, and are highly confident that the appropriate person is being drawn to this project with the sole intent of facilitating its fruition.